Inj pose builder tut by Deni -
EDITED TO ADD THIS AS PDF AT BOTTOMHopefully you've made your character by spinning the dials, if you haven't then get to it: make your character so it's a lot different to the base figure. So many I see out there still look too much like V4 or V3 that I wonder what they've actually done.
You want to make your character as original as possible. Play with the eyes, lips, nose, mouth, etc... and if you want a body Inj then change the boobs, give her some nice hips and some sexy shaped legs and so forth. Make her unique!
The custom character using morph targets is a different animal altogether. I haven't learnt how to make this sort of pose file yet - they are usually made in another program like Hexagon or Argile and imported into Poser - so we won't go there. There are enough wonderful morphs that come with Victoria to be able to make your own original figure, and saving those creative dial settings as a new character in Inj / Rem Pose file form is the object of this tutorial.
Please note though that if you make your character with V4/V4.1 she should work with V4.2 but if you make your character with V4.2 she might not work with V4/V4.1 so keep that in mind.
Now that you've created her, open your figures/character folder in the Poser library. You can create your own folder in that category beforehand to store your creations, but I just save the character in with all the other Daz People because she gets deleted later, anyway. It's up to you.
A small note to Poser 6/7 users here: go to 'Edit' on the top tool bar then 'General Preferences'... click on the 'Misc' tab and UNTICK 'Use External Binary Morph Targets'. You don't need it and you can keep it that way if you want.
Key Points:
--If your character has any hair or clothing/shoes on her take all that off - as in, remove/delete from the scene, leaving only Victoria and her morphs.
--Make sure you're in the figures/character section of your library. At the bottom of the Library bar on the right-hand side is a large plus '+' sign... with your figure selected click on it to Add to Library. You'll get a pop-up saying new set so give her a name. It may ask other questions so just click ok and if it asks about a single file click YES, you only want a single file. You only need to save this once. You don't need separate body and head files because you'll take care of that in INJ Pose Builder.
--I don't know of a better, faster way of creating Inj/Rem files than with Injection Pose Builder from Daz (IPB). If you're a Platinum Club member you can get it for $1.99. Even at the going price of twenty bucks, it's a worth-while investment, particularly if you're going to be creating a lot of these!
Sadly, IPB doesn't come with a link library for V4... which is where I come in handy, because I'm giving you mine. You'll find the link to download at the end of this tutorial.
There will be two files in there, one for V4 - which should work for all Victoria 4s - and one for V4/A4. Extract the zip file and put them into the:
C:Program FilesDazInjection Pose BuilderLibs
--Open up your IPB and you should see reference to these files in the Link Libraries section.
--Set up IPB exactly as I've done on the screen shot below. Make sure you select INJ & REM Poses, otherwise you'll only have Inj files.
--Once your IPB exactly matches mine, click on the Source File button and find the Cr2 you made of your character earlier in the figures/character folder.
--Click open and let IPB do its thing... this sometimes takes a while.
--When it's done it will tell you. Click on the character your creation is based on, for example, if you created your character on V4, select that from the Link Library... if Victoria 4.2, use V4/A4. IPB will chug briefly... it should be quicker this time.
--If you have made body morphs you'll want a full Inj/Rem, so you're not going to select specific actors. Click on 'Process Options' down the bottom of the program.
--It will do stuff (technical, aren't I? ... lol) Once it's done you'll have a heap of writing in the output source window. Click on Save As. If you've made a folder for your character in your pose folder save it in there... if not, make a folder.
IPB will first save the Inj pose - wait for that to finish - and then it will save the Rem pose.
Now you'll probably want to have just a 'head-only' Inj/Rem pose, so put a tick in 'Selected Actors Only' and while holding down your Ctrl key on your keyboard highlight:
... then click process options again. When it's finished click Save as and put it into the folder you made earlier in your pose section, making sure you name it so you know it's the head Inj/Rem pose file:
Brunhilde-Head INJ.pz2
If you want to make a 'body-only' Inj/Rem pose file then highlight everything except those six holding down the Ctrl key on your keyboard.
Once everything is done and saved to your characters pose folder you can open Poser to see if it worked. Load the base Victoria 4 into a blank new document window on which you had based your character - not the modified V4 you had saved in the character folder, but the Base Daz one. Bring up the Pose Library and find the Inj/Rem poses you had just made to test them. You'll see the ugly shrugging man, but we'll show you how to make some nice pngs in another tutorial to replace him.
If all the files work - have a look at the Parameter Dials to check that your morph parameters and their dial settings all load - you can go into your character folder where you saved your original cr2 that you used in IPB and click on delete from library down the bottom. If it didn't work, then double-check that your IPB settings do match mine and run IPB against your saved character again and again and again until it does... lol.
Please ask any questions you need to - you can find me on the Poser for Dummies forum by click on the title above and joining if your not a member - if this is confusing for you. Remember, this is the way I do it and it works for me, but there are probably other ways as well. For my link library files for V4 and V4.2/A4
Also a tutorial and how to make your library files that are needed...